Spy's entire game plan is centralized around personal knowledge and disinformation. Spy's biggest strength is his ability to trick people.If you can't get out of his area of denial, you will almost never beat him. A Sniper's big strength comes from his unmatchable burst damage with the best range in the game. The most consistent problem any Spy will ever have is game knowledge.
Team fortress 2 scout spy update#
The Spy shared an update with the Sniper, and they'd been trying to constantly kill each other over it. His natural enemy is the Pyro, whose flame thrower can be easily spammed everywhere to detect any Spy. Because of that, the Spy's possible presence shapes a lot of the meta-game, and people will be wary of Spies, checking corner and whether or not if anyone is a disguised Spy. With that set of tools, the Spy can lurk in the enemy's side of the map, navigating through their defense and assassinate lone enemies or key targets like that one distracted Medic with his Ubercharge ready. His defining feature though is his ability to Back Stab people with his Knife, resulting in an instant kill in most circumstances. The Spy is a stealth-based class who uses espionage and trickery to infiltrate the enemy lines, as his wristwatch can render him invisible, and his cigarette case allows him to disguise as any class. With 125HP, 107% base speed, and his only proper firearm being a large-caliber revolver, one shouldn't seek open confrontation when playing as him. The Spy, like other Support characters, is ill-suited for direct combat. This is the Spy's official TF2 Wiki page.

He has an affair with Scout's mom, and very well may be his biological father. Of course, he's Not So Above It All and can easily dismiss everyone else as halfwits, while he himself can sometimes roll with others' wacky antics for the hell of it. He does have a weird, snooty accent and acts like a James Bond ripoff, swooning women, smoking cigarettes, and having more class and manners than his teammates. Voiced by: Dennis Bateman (English), Aleix Estadella (Spanish), Konstantin Karasik (Russian)The Spy is an enigmatic Frenchman constantly clad in a balaclava mask and an expensive two-piece suit, with a past shrouded in mystery and speculation.